Monday, January 23, 2012

Catching Up

Last week I got behind on my word count. WAY behind. It was one of those, "I'll catch up tomorrow" kind of weeks, until it was Friday and I realized "tomorrow" already came and went four times. Ah yes, the joys of procrastination. I tried to catch up over the weekend but I'm still 2000 words behind. That's not too bad, as long as I'm on top of it this week. WHICH I WILL BE.

That's right. I'm posting it here and now for all to see. This week, I am going to write 5,750 words. It WILL get done. If not, there will be serious consequences. Hmm, consequences, consequences...NO! Consequences aren't even an option, because it's getting done. See? All about the mindset :)

But I will have a reward for reaching my goal: I'm going to visit the place that inspired New Novel this weekend. I'm SUPER excited!! It's in Manhattan, and I've only been there once, and that one time I was so inspired by the place that I whipped out my notebook and started taking notes. It'll be fun to go back now that I have a whole story in my head. And no, I'm not going to reveal what it is. I know, I'm so lame! But I do write better when I'm being all secretive and I feel like I'm "alone" with the story.

So really, I can't NOT reach my goal, because I already have a reward planned, and that would just be cheating.

Do you guys set word count goals? What are your weekly or monthly goals? How do you stay on track and beat procrastination?


  1. I like your mindset. Be positive!

    I don't set word count goals when I start out, but I do like to his at least 2000. Some days, it's just not possible, though. As long as I get something of substance down each day, I'm pretty happy with myself.

    Manhattan is a pretty cool place, isn't it? I haven't been there in a couple of years, but I love the energy of the place. I bounce when I walk down the streets there. Enjoy!

    1. 2000 per day? You're good! I'm a pretty slow writer, but the goals definitely help me push myself.

      The last time I was in Manhattan was in November when I visited the same place. The energy is awesome! You should go back soon :)

  2. I've been failing miserably at my word count goals. Miserably! But I keep at it.. every day. even if it's only a couple of hundred words.

    I too love Manhattan. Have fun :)

    1. I SO know the feeling of failing miserably! But you're right, what counts is just keeping yourself going and eventually the words will come. I can really forget that sometimes. And thanks! I'm so excited to go :)

  3. I'm so excited for you to go visit your place of inspiration! You can totally make your word count goal.

    I obviously need WAY better word count rewards. Something other than just thinking "Yay me!" Your way sounds much better. Hmmm.... Must come up with something good....

    1. Eep, me too!! I feel like it won't be as cool now that I have the story (which is way cool--heh), but I hope the inspiration is still there.

      This trip was actually planned a while ago, and not until this week did I decided to deem it a "reward" trip! Normally my word count rewards aren't as fun :) Usually a "Yay me!" and maybe some cookies, lol.

  4. Gah, I know how that is. I'm a huge procrastinator as well, and once it starts, it's really hard to get back on track. Good luck!

  5. I just planned out the next 5 months of word count/revision goals. We'll see how that goes. And visiting my MS inspiration? That means a trip to about temptation.

  6. Hi there!
    As you know, I'm pushing myself to write 5 pages a day to get this darn draft finished! and once this draft is finished and off to beta readers, I can FINALLY work on this other story that's been scratching at my brain QUITE LOUDLY for the past two months!
    And, I love NY...I grew up on Long Island, so NY is my "The City." Treat it well! Tell it I miss it so, and I'll be back this summer!
