Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January Round-Up

Happy February! I can't believe we're a whole month into 2012 already. Cray-zay. So, remember that post I wrote about goals? Well now that January is officially over, I'd like to reflect on how the goals went. Obviously you don't need to obsesses over every monthly goal, but this is a good way for me to keep myself on track for the year. I think I'll make a LIST. (I'm only talking about writing/reading-related goals right now, but there were more!)

1. Write 15,000 words of New Novel. I did this, but just barely! Made it by the skin of my teeth. (I never understood this expression. I mean, teeth don't HAVE skin. Is that...the point? I don't even know.) I literally wrote the last 1,000 words yesterday. I really had to push through them, but I'm glad I did.

2. Write 1 short story. Check! But again, JUST BARELY! I actually started it in the second week of January, and then forgot all about it until two days ago and finished it last night. I've actually never written a short story before so it was different to have to end a story so quickly, but I think it's good practice. I had a lot of fun with it though! Perhaps I'll share it with you guys. PERHAPS. I might be too shy about it :)

3. Read 2 books. I actually read 4 books, so ha! Here's what I read:

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
Lament by Maggie Stiefvater
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

I highly, HIGHLY recommend The Fault in Our Stars. It was not what I thought it would be. I laughed SO much throughout the entire book--like, serious laughter, where I had to put the book down sometimes just to soak in some genius lines--and I also cried. And let me say that books NEVER make me cry. Never. So this was truly rare. If you know what's good for you, you'll read it!

I'll also share something that I failed at, that is not writing-related: Learn a new song on the piano. I literally did not touch my piano the whole month. My goal is to learn 6 new songs this year, so I still have time. I'll just need to be more disciplined in adding it to my schedule.

Did you guys have specific goals for January? How did you do? If not, did you read any good books or get a good bit of writing done?


  1. Awesome, awesome! I've failed miserably at my goals. oh well! It's a new month and I've got determination.

    you've convinced me to read The Fault in our Stars. And books make me cry ALL THE TIME. hehe... I actually cried yesterday, while writing in my own WIP.. I had to stop and recollect myself and the husband was perplexed and was like, how can you cry at your own story? you already know what happens.. LOL.. I guess I'm a crier.

    1. I'm excited for you to read TFiOS! LOL, aww I've heard of people crying at their own stories before :) Too funny though. I could never see myself doing that!

  2. Congrats on meeting your writing goals - that's a good start. I didn't set monthly goals. The good news is I'm 20K into a new WiP (one that I didn't know was going to be a WiP on 1/1), and I'm into about chapter 10 on revisions on the old WiP, which I'm still hoping to start querying sooner rather than later. Keep it up!

  3. Wow, awesome!! You've been quite productive. So exciting that you're close to querying! Good luck with revisions and the new WiP!

  4. GREAT job with your goals! You did AWESOME this month! :)

    1. Aw thank you!! I'm a serious procrastinator, so I'm quite pleased with myself :)
